Back to the Bio Art!

Last year I was involved in and created two experimental works around the subject of sci-art. My fields and frame project allowed me to research into current happenings within biotechnology. I also researched artists and scientists who have previously used art to show something biological and also to voice their concerns.  There are a lot of ethics behind the manipulation of organisms particularly human beings, and our ideas and fantasies of what we could become has continued to inspire scientist to research further. I feel last year although I researched a lot into one particular area, I feel there are other important areas and theorists that can be explored. This reoccurring interest has lead me to want to use third years as a extension, but also the bigger picture of my previous work. I want to explore deeper into the world of biology and draw out things that we may not think of, and our own opinions on controversial ideas. I find this sort of research exciting, but also very relevant to my life, as it is something that could effect us all in the future.

There are certain subjects I want to research into which will inspire and help me create an output of a series of mini projects, which then leads up to a main installation piece. My main idea is creating a room that creates a futuristic environment that we could have if we continue to experiment and allow biotechnology into our every day lives. This is something that I will research and plan later on. As a starting point I am going to explore six different yet interlinked subjects. These include the social implications of biotechnology applications; recent discoveries and practices; manipulating and breeding better babies; exploring the blurred boundaries - chimeras and transgenics; The relationship between genetics and personality trates; the complex communications between organisms. The final outputs will be a variety of mediums including photography, animation and sculpture. I will also
continue to research bio artists, and hope to visit some current exhibitions. 

A good place for me to start is to fully read The Molecular Gaze: Art In the Genetic Age. As well as writing and bringing reference art into the subjects, there is a lot of reference articles and books within this books. It will really help me create a strong portfolio of research and contextual material.

The reason why I want to do this is that I do really enjoy this subject, and I think me being stuck on my first idea for this term and not knowing what to do made me realise that it is so important to pursue something that you have a strong interest in. Although I like the idea of the body and mind on a spiritual level, it is a project that I could do in the spare time. I needed a subject in which has my focus and interest. This is one of the reasons why I want to extend my knowledge on biological research. My second reason is for the importance that science has not just on a personal level, but the importance of it in our future. I think its something a lot of people can connect with and understand. 

Whilst producing a strong contextual background I hope to become more confident with using each program within the Adobe Suit (mainly focusing on photoshop, illustrator, after effects and premiere). Another possibility to consider would be using a 3D program such as maya to create small 3D printed sculptures. I later posts I will draw up my ideas, and begin to build them. I hope to record my method of creating things, which will be supported by help from and library resources. I also want to carry out a photo shoot in the studio, and strengthen my lighting knowledge for group projects I will be working on. My aim this year is not only to become more confident with software, but to also become more confident on leading and producing.  

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