Unity- Setting up project, Mesh Collider and Spaceship engine

Setting up the Project

When creating our game, we need to make sure it can be played on multiple platforms, so for this the web player build setting is best for this.  For our game the dimensions will be 600x900 as we are making a traditional space shooter. 

On the left hand side is my scene, this is were everything is imported and modified. On the right hand side is the game its self and what it will look like once finished. This allows me to modify while seeing what it will actually look like in the game, at the same time.

 Importing the ship and applying physics

An important part when importing this ship to the game is making sure we apply a rigid body. This allows us to play with the physics of the object. I unselected Use Gravity  , as the object would start to float upwards and would not stop.

Mesh Collider

Mesh collider allows other game items not to collide with the spaceship. We have to use a mesh collider to almost map around the area of the ship, to allow this. There are many tools where you can insert Unity's own cylindrical shaped colliders, however our spaceship shape is more complex and we need to refine the mesh shape a bit. Therefore I inserted a specifically made mesh collider for this particular ship.

Spaceship Engine

I inserted engine animation/item to the back of the ship, to add to the effect that it is flying. This effect can be moved and changed in size.

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