Powers of Time

Cognitive aspects of time

Having a great interest in biology, is making me want to look at the more biological aspect of time, and what happens in the brain. For everyone this is different, and so I think it would be interesting to look into this and included aspects in my future final project.
This video that I found in youtube shows how time is different for everyone and how it can effect peoples decisions in life.
Also is has been show in a interesting way, by using drawings to make the video more interesting.

Powers of Time - Professor Philip Zimbardo

People use time in different ways to influence their actions and decisions in life. There are three main types of orientations, past orientated, present orientates and future orientated. 

Past Orientated
Past positive people think about the good and fortunate times.
Past negative people usually look back on times regret or failure. 

Present Orientated
This type of people are usually hedonistic so look for pleasure and believe that life is fated and our future is already written. They are more likely to have addictions (sex, drugs, gambling ect) because they do not think of the future and possible consequences, even though they know there are ones.

Future Orientated
Learn to work towards our goals and avoid temptation
To be future orientated you need to trust.
They know the consequences, so avoid temptation of things that are bad for them.

Where you are can influence of how your life is orientated. If you live closer to the equator, there is less difference in environment and climate change, therefore you feel less change making you more present orientated. 

Pace of life
Time duration depends whether you bored or excited.
Different places and countries have different paces of life. 

"We all begin life as present hedonists"
School can make us more future orientated 

There has been a revolution in time due to technology. We get annoyed at things, such us when a file takes too long to download, meaning we have become more inpatient. Technology has allowed to speed processes up, however when it fails it effects how we act. 

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