Photography testing and finding the right technique

For my final photography series I wanted to go for a collage technique, which I researched previously, as I feel it gives more depth, colour and interest to the photography, as well as being able to show multiple things and representations on one photo piece.

I started off collaging photos of me and my family as children onto the shape of a baby. I found that this was fairly difficult and that I needed a large amount of baby pictures to make it effective, and I just did not have the achieve for this.

So I decided to try different collaging techniques instead. And after looking at the photographer Andre B Myers I wanted to incorporate this cartoon feel into my photography, as I really like this colourful technique, and will be a reflection of what I like.

After playing around on photoshop for a while I came up with this as my first possible photo. I am now working on the other four, creating them in the same style like this, but just at different ages (child, teenager, adult and elderly) to show a life cyle. I also need to consider text in this piece, so the audience has a clear idea of what my project is trying to represent/show.
More transparent version.

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