Marina Abramovic

I was looking at how artist uses the human body to create art, and come across this shocking article showing the extremes artists will go to, to create something that has a large impact on an audience.  The artist let the audience do whatever they wanted to her without her resisting. At first the played around with her (tickled ect), but after a while they became more aggressive such as taring off clothes, pressing thorns into her stomach, and drawing a knife to her neck.  This went on for several hours. This is very much based on the human psychology, and how we can react towards other people.

Even though this is very extreme, and I wont do this to my subject for my Time art. I want to adopt the technique of the subject (who is going to be in my time art piece) to react to certain videos/ images to see there change in response exteriorly, as well as showing what goes on inside the body.

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