Spending too much time on tumblr...

Recently in my spare time I have realised I have been spending a lot of time on tumblr looking through photos and memes in which have consumed many hours of my life. However I though recently I would put this website to use, as even thought a lot of  it doesn't display photography from well known people it certainly gives me a lot of inspiration.

For my life cycle piece I could display it similar to these pictures, as from whatever angle and perspective you will see the piece from it can be easily interpreted, reflecting that we can see life in different ways.

I could either college the photos within the shape of a person as they are growing up similar to this image
however in a circle with the photos collaged within, or I could collage the images in the shape of leaves, and maybe tint the images to the same colour of that change in colour on the leaves, starting with the green colour of pictures when me and my family were babies, to the dark purple colour of when my older family members.

If this idea doesn't really work or is slightly boring when presented I could possible make each collage picture I make almost morph into each other similar to the pictures I found on tumblr below, however this technique would need me researching tutorials on how to do this.

I will probably post sketches of my idea soon as it is hard to type exactly what I visualise for my piece. However I hope it displays a balance of personal reflections as well as something that can be interpreted and understood from another viewer.

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