The Life Cycle

Looking back on my ideas I feel ideas could a bit too personal. One thing I noticed looking at old photos is that there is a broad selection of my family at different ages and it was funny to see the change in their appearance over time. using old photographs and photoshop I could create a life cycle showing how we age over time, and representing how hard it is for us to remember how we looked like when we were younger, however with photos it holds those memories, and you can see how you have changed physically over the years.

I will need to research how I could possibly do this, however for now I am going to experiment with the silhouette technique as I feel I could possibly use this to show the life cycle.
I've been feeling stressed lately due to the work load from university and weekend work, so I decided to visit home for the next couple of days to relax. Going home has not only made me feel more relaxed, i've realised it could actually possibly inspire my photography and sound piece. My parents took a big box down from the loft full of photo albums of when most of the family and I were younger. This is something I definantly want to take advantage of for my photography project.

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