Concept Research - Artists Overlaps for Last Year - Alexis Rockman

Alexis Rockman
Alexis Rockman demonstrates the unnerving possible outcomes of bio-engineering and the chimeras it may create. This is particularly demonstrative in his painting The Farm. The image shows familiar farm animals and how they may look in the future due to bioengineering. The vegetables are bioengineered to grow in certain shapes ideal for packaging and shipping.  Was also presented as a new york citing advertising hoarding in a project called DNAid mounted by the art group Creative Time. I really like this particular piece, as even though there is a lot going on, it raises many subjects regarding the change in farming, and how we will continue to genetically modify plants and animals in the future. Its influenced by a broad range of pressures to do with human consumption, aesthetics, domesticated and medical applications.

"My artworks are information-rich depictions of how our culture perceives and interacts with plants and animals, and the role culture plays in influencing the direction of natural history.

The piece soccer displays the subjects of evolution as well as genetic modification of humans. Due to our roles in society, such as being a sportsman, it suggests if we will stretch to the extent of modifying ourselves to become better at things, or if we will just evolve to become this. This is suggested by the mans legs being almost horse or kangaroo like to jump higher, a tail to balance better, a bigger hard to be able to last longer when moving and webbed hands to be able to block the ball.

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