My maps & Journeys Final Ideas

So far I have an idea which I want to look more into and develop more. It may require a lot of technical research, needing to learn some coding, however I want to try and stretch my abilities.

I wanted to create an interactive, as well as an immersive experience for the audience. To do so, I want to take the viewer out into the real world, which would then be mixed with virtual reality, which would be provided from a smart phone. An app takes you around give you directions to a certain locations. Once you are there it will play a video with a sound clip. The can watch the clip or hold up the phone to create a virtual illusion (like the story is happening where you are).
A possibility I wanted to consider is where the characters in the videos interact with you and ask you questions, in which you have to decide how the next part of the story will continue. 

Im still yet to decide what the narrative will be, and what the purpose of this viewer journey will be. I have considered taking a record of other peoples memories or favourite journeys and reconstruct these and then when the audience decides it can continue with the actual story or have a made up outcome. I have also considered basing the narrative around ghost locations in Farnham, and really exploring our connection with the spiritual world, as well as the illusion of our minds in reality. Reading the book Haunted Farnham by Peter Underwood could be a good start into researching supernatural encounters within the area. 

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